Friday, 16 May 2014

Who Needs Life Annuities?

People are worried about their pensions. People have been promised generous pensions after they retire, but in this economy some companies are having difficulties living up to their obligations. If you fall under this category you are someone who needs life annuities
Pension Plans and Retirement Plans Are Both In Precarious Positions
Because it is common for the company's stock to dominate their pension plans and retirement plans, people who own these types of accounts are good candidates for annuities. A good suggestion is for pensioners, for example, to convert their accounts into an immediate annuity because these accounts will be more diversified and offer a safer investment; lifelong payments are guaranteed.

Life Annuities Ensure That Lawsuit Winners Receive Their Due
Annuities are good for a third type of person, the winner of a lawsuit. The loser of a lawsuit is sometimes mandated to buy this type of financial product for the winner. This is to ensure that the winner is paid.

Government Workers Also Take Part In Life Annuities
Governments can partake in the purchasing of single premium immediate annuities for their employees. The issues that come up for private companies with regard to pension plans can also be true for government pensions. When this happens, governments make their public pensions private by going through an insurance company and purchasing life annuities for their pensioners.

Life annuities are an excellent choice for several different types of people. You may be one of the people described in this article. If you do have a large sum of money in the form of a savings account, retirement plan or pension you may be able to invest in something like the single premium immediate annuity. You will be in control of what happens with the money and it will be in a safer place.
Life annuities can help pensioners out of a tough situation if their pensions are failing.

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